Heal your second brain… the Gut!

Our gut is our second brain. How you eat determines the outcome of how you feel both emotionally and physically. Your gut has neurons and receptors just like your brain. That’s why we have the ability to heal ourselves with good nutrition.

What to Expect

  • Lifestyle Management Plan

    We will create the right Whole Health plan that will place you on the trajectory of complete healing.

  • Personalized Meal Plan

    We will build a meal plan designed to combat your specific diagnosis and aid in whole health.

  • Bi-Monthly Telehealth Nutrition Coaching

    Twice a month your assigned Certifed Nutrition Consultant will meet to discuss goals, weigh-ins, and meal planning.

Did you hear about our 30-Day Self-Care Challenge?

Welcome to Chicago Integrated Health's Whole Health 30 day challenge! Over the next 30 days, you will follow our meal plan, self-care, and fitness recommendations. The self-care challenge comes in the form of a PDF download for you to follow along to. You will receive a follow-up email with the link to our recipe book, and private Facebook community!